Luxury Boutique Hotel<span>Historic Adaptive Reuse</span>

Luxury Boutique HotelHistoric Adaptive Reuse

Townsend <span> BrandDesign </span>

Townsend BrandDesign

Six Senses Grand Bahama <span> Luxury Hotel </span>

Six Senses Grand Bahama Luxury Hotel

Marina Grand Resort<span>Boutique Hotel</span>

Marina Grand ResortBoutique Hotel

Hilton Trinidad & Conference Center <span>Landmark Island Hotel</span>

Hilton Trinidad & Conference Center Landmark Island Hotel

Atelier Playa Mujeres<span>All-Inclusive Resort Hotel</span>

Atelier Playa MujeresAll-Inclusive Resort Hotel

Glenna's <span> Brand Design </span>

Glenna's Brand Design

Bentwood Tavern<span>Signature Restaurant</span>

Bentwood TavernSignature Restaurant

Design Headquarters<span>Corporate Workplace</span>

Design HeadquartersCorporate Workplace

Hyatt Regency Greenwich<span>Branded Lifestyle Hotel</span>

Hyatt Regency GreenwichBranded Lifestyle Hotel

Coco Palms <span> A Kimpton Resort </span>

Coco Palms A Kimpton Resort

The Wheelhouse Hotel<span>Boutique Hotel & BrandDesign</span>

The Wheelhouse HotelBoutique Hotel & BrandDesign

The Harbor Grand<span>Boutique Hotel</span>

The Harbor GrandBoutique Hotel

Pine's Room <span> Restaurant </span>

Pine's Room Restaurant

The Pier at Clemson<span>Student Residential</span>

The Pier at ClemsonStudent Residential

Cilento<span>Signature Restaurant</span>

CilentoSignature Restaurant

Six Senses Aetna Springs

Six Senses Aetna Springs

Nuup Spa<span>Spa & Wellness</span>

Nuup SpaSpa & Wellness

Rose Mary Jane<span>Cannabis Wellness & BrandDesign</span>

Rose Mary JaneCannabis Wellness & BrandDesign

Residence 23 Luxury Homes <span>Luxury Residential</span>

Residence 23 Luxury Homes Luxury Residential

Hub Atlanta<span>Student Residential</span>

Hub AtlantaStudent Residential

Motto by Hilton Downtown Bentonville <span> Branded Lifestyle Hotel</span>

Motto by Hilton Downtown Bentonville Branded Lifestyle Hotel

Cindy's Rooftop Bar<span>Restaurant</span>

Cindy's Rooftop BarRestaurant

Vienna Beef Headquarters <span> Workplace </span>

Vienna Beef Headquarters Workplace

Millwork Hotel <span> Historic Adaptive Reuse </span>

Millwork Hotel Historic Adaptive Reuse

Seven Point Brand Design<span> BrandDesign </span>

Seven Point Brand Design BrandDesign

Hotel Westland<span>Boutique Hotel</span>

Hotel WestlandBoutique Hotel

Boutique Coastal Hotel

Boutique Coastal Hotel

Italian Fine Dining<span>Signature Restaurant</span>

Italian Fine DiningSignature Restaurant

Downtown Albany Boutique Hotel<span>Boutique Hotel</span>

Downtown Albany Boutique HotelBoutique Hotel

Terrace Room<span>Signature Restaurant</span>

Terrace RoomSignature Restaurant

Lake Oswego Boutique Hotel<span>Boutique Hotel</span>

Lake Oswego Boutique HotelBoutique Hotel

Naansense<span>Fast Casual Restaurant & BrandDesign</span>

NaansenseFast Casual Restaurant & BrandDesign

Germain House<span>Mutlifamily Residential & BrandDesign</span>

Germain HouseMutlifamily Residential & BrandDesign

Foundation Spa<span>Spa & Wellness</span>

Foundation SpaSpa & Wellness

Blackwood BBQ<span>Fast Casual Restaurant & BrandDesign</span>

Blackwood BBQFast Casual Restaurant & BrandDesign

The Scarlet Hotel<span>Branded Lifestyle Hotel</span>

The Scarlet HotelBranded Lifestyle Hotel

The Avens Residences<span>Luxury Residential</span>

The Avens ResidencesLuxury Residential

Seven Point Cannabis <span>Wellness</span>

Seven Point Cannabis Wellness

Grace Point Northside<span>Luxury Residential</span>

Grace Point NorthsideLuxury Residential

Edith Boutique Hotel</span>

Edith Boutique Hotel

Japanese Dining<span>Signature Restaurant</span>

Japanese DiningSignature Restaurant

Boutique Hotel <span> Guestroom Renovation </span> (Copy)

Boutique Hotel Guestroom Renovation (Copy)

Kimpton Fredericksburg <span> Boutique Hotel </span>

Kimpton Fredericksburg Boutique Hotel

Conshohocken <span> Mutifamily Living </span> (Copy)

Conshohocken Mutifamily Living (Copy)

Curioso Studio<span>Workplace</span> (Copy)

Curioso StudioWorkplace (Copy)

Pan y Agua<span>Workplace</span>

Pan y AguaWorkplace